Thursday, December 13, 2012

47 Days Left!

Let me preface this blog with a small disclaimer. I (this is just my opinion, and does not reflect that of others) do not really think pregnancy has affected me hugely in the mood swing area, but within a few context.

A. If I am hungry, watch out.
B. The mere thought of someone being cruel to an animal, sad animal commercials, and anything where an animal suffers in anyway, instant waterworks.
C. Currently I can't handle birth/baby/Giuliana and Bill shows without tearing up
D. And lastly, I have Road Rage like a Motha....

I think I need to clarify a few things for my fellow road companions ((aka other dimwit drivers)).

First off, let's learn the difference between a yield sign and a stop sign. Yes I am talking to you Granny Gertrude. At a yield sign, you don't actually have to come to a complete stop, or even pretend you are going to! You can really do just as the sign says and YIELD to traffic. Furthermore, I don't give a shit if you fully stop at a stop sign ((unless you are going to hit me?)), I just want you to utilize the yield sign correctly. This mostly urks me at the corner of Azle Ave. while entering 199 (you have your own lane to merge into for goodness' sake)... and yielding from the service road onto Azle Ave. Learn the rules of the road before you drive.

Next. Mr. Redneck Roy, yes, you with your jacked up Ford Excursion. If you try to get over on me one more time with your lift kit and factory wheels (which looks ridiculous by the way), I will go all Elin on your Tiger Wood's ass.

I have always had road rage but I think that the hormones of pregnancy have made my vocabulary exceptionally colorful and creative. I say things that I never even knew my brain had the capacity of thinking of. I can only hope that Finley does not catch on to the plethora of obscene words/gestures that come out of my mouth/body while behind the wheel. I bet Cody finds me so attractive. I need to start curbing this ASAP.

What's new on the baby front?

Well they are still using January 29 as my due date. I am thinking it will be earlier, because according to my calculations, it should be. We shall find out soon enough. I can't believe in a little over 6 weeks my due date will be here. In the last few days it has really hit me that a baby will be entering our life soon. So crazy. I really hope my maternal instincts kick in like everyone says because right now I am FREAKING out a little A LOT!

In other news... I have my certification tests coming up in January. One on the 3-5 and one on 23-26... I am hoping I will make it to the 2nd one, because I really do not want to have to wait until April 4th, for the next English one to begin. I am slightly nervous about the tests, more so the ELA than the English. Hopefully I pass both on the first try since they are both over $100 a piece... boo. If anyone knows of any Junior High/High School's hiring for the 13-14 school year, holla at yo girl!

I think that is about all for now... Here is a 33 week baby bump pic. I was showcasing my long locks! Don't hate!

Monday, December 3, 2012


I have no shame in using my blog as a means of plugging the fact that I am now taking cupcake orders! Also don't forget my mom makes amazing cakes for every occasion.

I can make cupcakes for any event your little heart desires. Birthdays, showers, holiday parties, etc. Anything! You name it, you got it.

They start at $15 per dozen for basic design, flavor, frosting etc.

Let me know if you are interested! Request your order at least one week in advance!

Email me at (yes AOL accounts do still exist).

Or Call or Text me if you are lucky enough to have my number!

Or use the ever convenient Facebook to track me down, message me, stalk me, etc.

Down to the Nitty Gritty

I will be having a baby in 57 days give or take on the due date, there is a great possibility I will be having a baby next month, or I am about 4-5 doctors appointments away from having a babe. Anyway you look at it, Fin is coming in HOT. And, SOON!

Speaking of Hot... WTF is with this weather? It’s atrocious. My grandmother (Mimi), Mom, Holley (MIL), and I all went to a Christmas tour of homes on Sunday in Ryan's Place. Cutest little houses EVER, think Ridglea/TCU area looking houses. Anyways it was hot as balls outside and I was sweating and so uncomfortable in my maternity jeans with that damn band, a cami, and a 3/4 sleeved shirt on. Well we are walking to get our tickets, and of course, my prego body decides it needs to pee, and it meant right then! Well we finally get to the designated area to use the restroom, (like 4 blocks away!) It was this beautiful church in the neighborhood, which was also on the tour. This church was gorgeous! We walk in, and automatically this little deacon wants to give us a tour. He even asked if we had a lot of time, which we thought was a joke. Turns out... it wasn't. He talked about the congregation (is that what its called? he kept calling it the Nave...) area of the church for 45 minutes! Finally I got to pee, then we went on the rest of the tour. Only one of the homes was actually decked out in Christmas gear, which was disappointing, but overall it was a good experience.

Prego body decided to kick in one more time, only this time we were driving to the church and going to use the side entrance ensuring no chatty deacon would hold up the flow. These ill thoughts must have made me a target for one of God's funny little jokes. Well... I sneeze in the car, and if you don't know how awesome pregnancy is, then I will just let you know, sometimes you accidentally pee on yourself. This was one of those instances. Luckily I carry around extra panties whether I am pregnant or not (you never know what kind of shenanigans you will encounter). I go to the restroom... turns out; I already had two pairs of undies on.... one regular, one thong. WTF. Who am I, and how did this happen? No wonder I was a hot, uncomfortable, grumpy, mess during the tour! Thank you prego brain, Thank you!

I really don't have any cool updates on the baby or anything. We did have a 4d scan which only showed us that we have a ornery child. She was so awful the first go around we had to reschedule. She literally likes to fold herself in half, and shove all feet, hands, and anything else she can find in her face, including placenta and umbilical cord. She is a mean little baby. I was really hoping she would take after Cody and be laid back and easy going, but I think she is going to be a carbon copy of yours truly (personality wise). Here is one of the "better" pictures from the second scan.

How far along? 31-32?? weeks-ish ... Is it sad I really can't remember right now?

Maternity clothes? Oh you know it. I hate maternity clothes. Actually I know it is not the clothe's fault. They aren't even that bad... its the body they have to go on. Bleh!

Stretch marks? Oh lord have mercy I found another! Ain't nobody got time for that! (Youtube that, you won't be disappointed!)

Sleep: I feel like I got a whole nights worth of sleep last night, but I had such anxiety caused by a nightmare that involved labor, that I dont feel like I slept a wink.  

Best moment this week: Cody and I (Cody) won a voucher for the Stockyard Station Hotel. I am excited about it. Even though we can't use it right now, I am thinking we can use it for our Anniversary, which will probably be our first real outting Post-Baby!  

Miss Anything? I have really been missing the freedom to have a few drinks lately. It hasnt bothered me since early on, but now I am missing it a bit. Maybe thats because the Dean/Tinney crews like to booze during Holiday's! It's tradition! haha

Movement: Definitely. I love how much the movement has changed. It is like I can feel her whole body move now, rather than just some random kicks, etc.

Food cravings: I'm back on sandwiches, and I have been loving me some lucky charms! I also have been wanting a good chicken strip with some honey mustard lately, which is weird, I never eat Honey Mustard really!?

Anything making you queasy or sick: If I go too long between meals it really affects me now. The day of the tour I think that may have played a roll. As soon as we ate I felt like a new person! 

Labor Signs: Not for a while I hope…

Symptoms: Peeing. The tiredness is back... Growing Belly!

Belly Button in or out? ....must we go there?.... shes half in, half out today.

Wedding rings on or off? On...

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, Happy, Happy (Phil from Duck Dynasty voice)

Looking forward to: Maternity Pics this weekend... Christmas... January. Lots of things coming up.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Playing Catch Up

Prepare your little computer eyes! This is a long one!

The last two weeks have been a blur. So many things going on… Let me start with my last baby shower. It was hosted by my lovely Aunts, Cousins, and Grandmother on my daddy’s side. They did a “Cute as a Button” theme, and let me tell you, it was exactly that! We got so many things that we needed and things I thought I would never need, but now think we couldn’t live without!

::Let me just take a little moment to Thank everyone that has hosted, been a guest at, or had anything to do with one of my showers, or Cody’s diaper party, etc. We have been beyond blessed with great family and friends, and I cannot thank each and every one of you enough! So thank you!::

Here are a few pics from the shower…
 Cake thanks to mom!
 Some of my favorite ladies in the whole world.
 From Sherri and Jacee... such froo froo from the least froo froo gals I know! Love them!
 Cutest sock presentation EVER! Thanks Court!
Some sweet girls that attended my shower!

Updated Nursery Pics…
 This "F" has since been updated!
 No Nursery is complete without the inclusion of some "dachshund".

Now we also recently celebrated my brother’s 30th bday! My sister-in-law Melissa hosted a surprise party for him at Dublin Square that turned out really well! Cody and I got him a 6 pack of Breckenridge Vanilla Porter (Yum, one of the many fall/winter brews that I am missing terribly!) and some of his own “brewmaster” mugs for his casa, and some candy. He seemed happy. We also celebrated his actual birthday night at my Mimis for a chicken fried steak dinner. Dinner would not be complete without a political battle at the dinner table, super fun!

I am so glad Election Day is over. I have literally not felt as much anxiety this pregnancy as I did following the Election on Nov. 6. I guess I am just glad it’s over. It may not have ended the way our household would have wished, but we will get through the next four years, if anything else together. I told Cody if I ended up on the streets I wouldn’t want it to be with anyone else, haha. Hold your comments; this is my blog, so therefore, my beliefs and opinions. Put that in your juice box and suck it.

The latest event going on in my life is trying to get over an ear/sinus infection. I have literally been down a week with this thing. The only thing I can really take is antibiotics for the infection and Tylenol for the pain. Tylenol blows for anyone that wants to know. I would say it is as useful as a glass hammer.  I literally feel so sad for babies with ear infections. It hurts just as bad when I broke my damn elbow. Luckily the throbbing has subsided but the feeling of “being underwater” has ceased to disappear. If I were not pregnant I would drown myself in any type of alcohol. I think it would help, hell, at least then there would be a reason for feeling “underwater”.

In other news, we got Cody a new car. Turns out we are in a better boat because of his accident. We have a brand new car (A diesel VW Jetta), a lower interest rate, a lower monthly paper, and even better gas mileage, which was hard to beat in the Altima. I think he is a happy camper, even though he can’t stand driving a car. Speaking of cars, we got enough back from the Altima for a hefty down payment, and we get to fix the tailgate dings on the Acadia from my little fender bender back in July. Clearly the Dean Household is very accident prone. Finley doesn’t stand a chance! She will probably be a hot mess like her momma!

My daddy always hated it when I would get scrapes and bruises when I was little because he said it was ruining my “model legs”. I don’t know where my daddy thought someone with my 5’3 stature, and short legs would be modeling, but he always did make me feel like the prettiest girl in the world. I bet Cody will make Finley feel the same way.


How far along? 29 weeks-ish

Maternity clothes? Yes here and there! Mostly here and mostly there.

Stretch marks? Nope phew!! Not counting the teeny tiny one I found under one of my 5 pound boobs. Gag.

Sleep: actually even with my ear situation, I have been sleeping better.  

Best moment this week: Sinus rinses. Yes. This is my favorite moments this week. Sad. Really, Really, Sad.  

Miss Anything? Hearing from my left ear!

Movement: Lots in the mornings and evenings! At my last OB appt she kept hiding from the Doppler (when they were trying to record her heart rate) they finally got her pinned down, and she hit the Doppler. I see more of my personality coming from that belly every day… poor Cody Dean.

Food cravings: The sweet infatuation may be coming to an end ladies and gentlemen. Lately other things have been on my mind like chicken and mashed potatoes. My appetite in general has faded this last week with the sinus issues, but it’s not sweets 24/7 like usual.

Anything making you queasy or sick: It makes me so sick to see animals that are sad. I am so serious!

Labor Signs: Not for a long time I hope! Lots of BH contractions lately about once or twice a day…

Symptoms: Peeing. Obscene tatas.

Belly Button in or out? I’ve come to terms with my bellybuttons and I’s new relationship. Hopefully she decides to stop being so stupid and go back to normal after the baby comes.

Wedding rings on or off? On...

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happy, Ive had a few episodes over the sickness, and just being moody this last week though.

Looking forward to: 3D/4D sonogram this Friday. I literally just made this appt on a whim this week, since it’s the last week for “Optimal viewing”. I figure it’s my first baby, I should just do it. Maternity pics in December... (a sort of looking forward to)...


Monday, October 29, 2012

Holy Smokes!

It has been a good while since the last blog ::My Apologies:: … not really, I am not sorry, I have been busy! So some updates…

Have not heard back yet from my glucose test – I am thinking no news is good news, however, with the rate I eat cupcakes, cinnamon rolls, and donuts lately… it may just be overwhelmed with the sugar in my system and still processing my test. Haha. Whoops.

I had my first shower this last weekend. My mother in law and sister and law hosted and the theme was “Bun in the Oven”. It was a super cute shower, and I got lots of little girly things! It was so nice and decorated so cute. We had sliders, cinnamon rolls on a stick, cupcakes, and my MIL even figured out how to make my favorite raspberry tea that taste identical to Macaroni Grill's! Success!
Me and the cute oven!

Holley (MIL), Me, and Hayley (SIL)

Mimi (My Gma), Me, and Mom

I am slowly but surely getting Fin’s nursery in order, organized, and finished. I only have about 3 projects in the works right now… this is a small number for those who know how A.D.D I am, I have a million things going at one time. 3 seem small. I am sure tomorrow it will be 6.

I found some stockings today to match my peacock themed Christmas tree (another obsession). I got 3. One for Cody, Fin, and I… how weird is that? 3 Stockings! (Plus only $6 a piece!) Woot Woot!

I have not blogged about this but Cody got into a wreck recently… (2 weeks ago)… well they just decided today to total the damn thing. Only 12 more months and we would have had the car paid off. Go. Figure. I think it is a blessing in disguise … here’s to hoping. So now on the hunt for cars, Hal-a-freakin-lujah! I am thinking since the car was approaching 130k, this is better for us in the long run.

We also attended a costume party on Saturday. My options were limited, so I went with the “Pregnant Snooki” … I’d say for how little it cost me, it was one of my best costumes yet. Who knew so much work went into looking like Snooks though? It took me thirty minutes to get the orange bronzing powder off of my face and neck, and I am pretty positive I had an allergic reaction to the adhesive for the fake lashes.  My shower was the next day, and I am going to say my costume choice effected how cute I was at  said shower… my poor little face was swollen and raw. Haha. So not only is beauty pain, Ugly is too evidently! Oh Snooks! Cody’s costume was also pretty intense! He didn’t think anyone would get it, but it was a WINNER! And only cost me $ 1.50!
Cody looks like such a goon here! Hayley, Modern-day Baby, Cody, "God's gift to women" and Me, Snooks

Also I should let it be known to women thinking about getting pregnant… your boobs will grow. And by grow I mean, they get obscene. I know this may seem like common sense, but I was not expecting 3 cup sizes. We are talking OBSCENE. That is all. You’re welcome. (For any MTV Awkward watchers, I said that like Sadie!)

I think that’s all I got for now, I will update as soon as I get things in order around my house, finish my teaching certification, and over all get my life in check. I have been slacking lately. All the cupcakes have weighed me down! :: BUT THEY ARE SO DELICIOUS::

Over and Out!

How far along? 27 weeks-ish

Maternity clothes? I’d say its 50/50… this belly is getting outta control!

Stretch marks? Nope phew!!

Sleep: Nope. Between Cody’s “slumber noises” as I like to call them, and my dogs, shit is difficult. I say shit is difficult and not sleep, because the two are pretty equal in my book right now, shitty.

Best moment this week: Halloween costumes and shower!

Miss Anything? Fall beers!

Movement: Lots in the mornings and evenings! Sometimes she is really, really active. The other day she was hitting one of my dogs that had her head on my belly. She is not a nice baby.

Food cravings: Sweets, sweets, and more sweets. Pastries, donuts, ice cream, cakes, ::hell:: bags of icing… I like it all.  

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope nada!

Labor Signs: Not for a long time I hope! Lots of BH contractions lately about once or twice a day…

Symptoms: Peeing. Huge boobs.

Belly Button in or out? Today she is just awkward as usual. I should come up with a name for her.

Wedding rings on or off? On...

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happy!

Looking forward to: My next shower! However, I should let it be known, crowds and opening presents give me a little anxiety and I become Awkward Annie, so don’t hate!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sugar Sugar

Today I had a doctor's appointment. The appt was rather uneventful, but I did have my Glucose test!

The low down:
The "glucola" was not awesome but it was not "absolutely horrific" like I have been reading/hearing. I actually finished mine in 11 seconds which I was really proud of. I mean if there were a contest drinking glucola I think I could whip some ass. Now everyone else that I have spilled this information to today has not been impressed.... They must not realize how long I have been practicing chugging to prefect my drinking game... All those times I got "Iced" at the Grotto really paid off. But seriously. The Glucola is not bad at all.. I think Smirnoff Ice is actually ten times worse and I bet all of the women that whine about the test drink Smirnoff so I don't want to hear it anymore.
On another note, It seems Mal has made it safely to the ATL and is all settled in. Boo. Speaking of Boo, I am thinking of accosting my husband into taking me to Boo at the Zoo this weekend. I need to go. The animals are calling me. Plus I hear it's not very smart to go to haunted houses with child, so this could be an alternate choice. I really hate to be missing out on Halloween festivities such as Fright Fest at Six Flags!
This babe needs to get here so I can do things like
  • ride roller-coasters
  • stand on stools/furniture without family members freaking out
  • button my pants
  • Drink things with words like, Lite, Light, Moscato, and Woodchuck on the labels...
  • Wear white shirts... why you ask? because my big ass boobs and this belly literally run into everything and attract things like grease, spaghetti, and mustard
  • stay up past ten... and maybe make it through a whole night sleeping
  • snowboard

Now you may think I don't realize I will most likely not get to do 80% (that’s not a scientific calculation, just a random number that popped into my head) of these things after Fin gets here. But. I do know that, it's just easier to go on believing I will get to!

On another note, Holley (mother-in-law) and Hayley (seester-in-law) did some shopping in Abilene last week and Holley came back with this little gem...
Probably the cutest thing I have ever seen! Ruffles on the butt? I'm in love! If everything goes smoothly Hay will get to come home in a few weekends for the shower that Holley has been working on, that I am super excited about! =)

Finley also got some early presents from some friends...
Cody is obsessed with Under Armor so this little onesie from Beau and Rachel is prob his fav thing so far! Mal got this little Pea Coat that is so stinking cute I can’t stand it! Thank you guys!

How far along? 25 weeks-ish

Maternity clothes? Tops mostly... still wearing regular jeans... that are getting very difficult to button.
Stretch marks? Nope phew!!

Sleep: Nope.

Best moment this week: My mom finishing up the baby's cradle!

Miss Anything? Participating in Halloween festivities!

Movement: Lots in the mornings and evenings!

Food cravings: just sweets. I could eat a chocolate donut everyday if I knew I wouldnt gain 80 pounds! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope nada!

Labor Signs: Not for a long time I hope!

Symptoms: Peeing. Huge boobs.

Belly Button in or out? It's in when I lay down. It puckers out when I stand up. It's so fickle!

Wedding rings on or off? On...

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happy!

Looking forward to: Shower at the end of the month!
Here is an updated pic of belly progress... which also shows me wearing a white shirt, which also had grease right on my right boob. True. Story. Enjoy.
Let us part on a good note... a little dog shaming to make your day a little brighter!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Shopping, Best Friends, and Hoohas... you'll see..

It’s already Thursday? Holy smokes! This week has gone by incredibly fast; probably because I have been sleeping like I am in my first trimester again. So tired! For some NBR (non-baby related) news …Today Holley and I got lots of retail therapy in… well not really since we didn’t buy anything crazy but we had fun looking! We went to Homegoods, Sam’s, Trader Joe’s, Central Market, and Chipotle… I would like to call that a good day! At Sam’s I got some of those delicious fruit snacks, the Kelloggs brand… I have been looking for them everywhere (Including Sam’s) and finally found them at Sam’s today by chance. It was like the clouds separated and beamed down a little piece of heaven just for me. Thank you Jesus for these amazing fruit snacks!

Well I have some bittersweet news. More bitter for me, more sweet for her. My bestest is moving to Georgia for an amazing opportunity for herself. While I am selfishly sad, I know it will be a great experience for her, and I am so excited for her. I think I am most bummed that I will not get the experience of my best friend being at my shower and Finley’s delivery; however, we can now thank the technology of FaceTime to deplete some of that sadness! Finley will know her Aunty Mal one way or another! And hopefully she can visit soon after the baby arrives! (A Birthday present to me Mal??? Hint hint!)

So the last time I wrote I think I had just started feeling her roll around in there (there being in the belly)… I say roll because that’s the best I can describe it. She’s like a tiny steam roller… Well now she feels like an almost two pound whack-a-mole player. I think she enjoys kicking, hitting, head butting, and whatever the hell else it is she does in there to any of my organs, walls, or whatever. Today, she was really getting after it… and it was low. And by low I mean TMI low… I thought at one point a tiny baby hand or foot might come right out of my hoo-ha. (I just had to sit and think for about two long minutes what word I found most blog appropriate for hoo-ha… so if you don’t like hoo-ha… sorry bout it!)

Anyhow, I have 500 things to do and no energy or motivation for that matter to do it.

1.       I need to get Finley’s name up on her wall…

2.       I need to get supplies, start, and finish some wall art I have planned for some canvas’…

3.       I should probably check my registries to make sure I actually completed them.

4.       I have about 2 or 3 online courses on Texas Teachers Cert that need to be done…

5.       AND I need to refinish a cradle.

Lord have mercy… If there were just 2 or 3… or 10 more hours in a day that would be fantastic…
In the mean time… a little trip of pics from throwback till now of me and my PIC!

These were the only appropriate pictures I could find! =)

How far along? 23 weeks-ish

Total weight gain: Over ten pounds fa sho... =-/ 

Maternity clothes? Tops mostly... still wearing regular jeans

Stretch marks? Nope phew!!

Sleep: Not last night... nightmare city!

Best moment this week: Going grocery shopping finally haha!

Miss Anything? a flat tummy!

Movement: Lots this week. She might be a gymnast! 

Food cravings: Nothing exceptionally this week... maybe Mexican food still. And Sandwiches?

Anything making you queasy or sick: OMG Cody fried some chicken in the house the other day. I. Almost. Died!

Labor Signs: Not for a long time I hope!

Symptoms: Peeing. Huge boobs.

Belly Button in or out? It's in for the most part. It randomly decided to poke out. Mostly at night. Ew.

Wedding rings on or off? On...

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happy!

Looking forward to:  Shower at the end of the month!