Monday, September 24, 2012

Houston we have a name...

So... Today I had to make a special trip to a friend’s mom's office to put to rest my paranoia that baby D was a boy... yes I have been having crazy pregnancy dreams that baby G was in fact a baby B for two weeks now. I didn't tell Mr. Dean until after I went so he wouldn't further make fun of my hypochondriac antics... The ultrasound tech confirmed that Baby D had no boy parts! Wahoo... So I think now I (We) can reveal her name to the world... ::Drum Roll Please::

Cody and I have 99.9% positively decided on Finley Grace! Grace is Mark's (Cody's dad) mother's name (he is really excited we are using her name!). Finley is just a name I saw a while back that I fell in love with, and the first girl name that Cody liked. I needed confirmation that she was a girl to introduce her name! Thank God she is because her little nursery is becoming more and more full of little girl things!

The last two days I have been able to feel her move around so that is crazy/cool. I thought it was going to be a couple more weeks so I was pleasantly surprised. I think Cody may have been able to feel her the morning I first felt her, but he said it felt like a heartbeat so it may have just been my pulse... but he will eventually! I have heard everyone describe the feeling as butterflies... homegirl in the belly don't play that game... she feels like popcorn in the morning *just a few pops though! She might be a little feisty! Today she had her little hands over her eyes, and the ultrasound tech pointed out where here head was in my belly so I believe the little popcorn moves are punches rather than kicks!

This am I went for one of my frequent donut runs... I haven't had one for like a week, so we are doing well there. When I got there the little Asian woman said "Oh so sorry honey, this all I have left today"... It's sad she knows I get a chocolate twist every time, and knew when I came through the door that she was out! It’s ok I just had regular old chocolate donut! It was PHENOMENAL! The first week when I was getting these twists regularly about the third day she asked if I was pregnant, and I told her no I was just getting fat on her donuts, and then told her I was kidding. She laughed her hysterical Asian laugh and asks me about the baby every time she sees me now! "Oh honey you look so small, how baby, I give you extra donut today!" (Every time!)

Today I finished Miss Finley's bow holder. Thank you pinterest... it’s pretty cute if I do say so myself!
That's about all I have for today...
How far along? 22 weeks-ish

Total weight gain: Ask me next week... ahhhh.

Maternity clothes? um still wearing my Buffalo David Bitton jeans so were doing ok....

Stretch marks? Nope phew!!

Sleep: The sleep is getting better and better... especially when my sickly husband takes NyQuill and sleeps through the night without coughing ;-).

Best moment this week: Finally feeling her moving around in there!

Miss Anything? a flat tummy!

Movement: ^^

Food cravings: The donuts are still there... also Mexican food, but I feel like this has always been a craving of mine. Who doesn't love Mexican food? 

Anything making you queasy or sick: the freaking Wendy's jr cheeseburger that Cody insist we have for dinner last night. Last time. The. Last. Time.

Labor Signs: Not for a long time I hope!

Symptoms: Still peeing like a freaking race horse. Also if you do not visit this awesome site very often I suggest you do (It's hysterical). Then you will know what FLBP is and realize that I am experiencing this problem as we speak! (Boobie talk, don't get offended y'all!)

Belly Button in or out? It's in for the most part. I hate this belly button drama I have been having lately. It grosses me out.

Wedding rings on or off? On...

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happy! When I get tired tho, the grumpiness emerges for sure!

Looking forward to: A paycheck from subbing, I AM BROKE!


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dear 15 Year-old Self...

Remember when you thought it would be a great idea to get your belly button pierced... well just so you know it's ten years later and that hole has still not grown in like you assured your mom it would... That hole really adds an extra something to that belly-button that’s trying to pop out (really? already?... only me).

But I am not nearly as mad at you as I am your 18 year-old self... A tramp stamp? ... Really? Who knew that back tats wouldn't be cool in 2012... Oh yea... YOUR MOM DID! (I know, I know, you told me so Mom)! Who knew that when you met your future husband he would make fun of it all the time, and you would be slightly ashamed at the thought of telling your baby girl on the way about it. By the way 15-18 year old-self you should have definitely paid more attention to high school math. This teaching certification test has got me a little worried about the math portion... would it have killed you to listen to Mrs. Cotton & Mr. Roberts just a little bit more?

At least you learned some valuable lessons along that time frame. I would say namely, the fact that your parents would be right about most things. I just know I am about to get pay back ten-fold.


Back to more important things, so nothing exciting happening in the land of baby recently. It’s that half way mark and I hear things seem to go super slow for the next few weeks... (Hooray?) My mother in law cooked some chicken spaghetti today and had lots of left overs, so that’s one thing I am grateful for today: Not cooking dinner! =) Thanks Holley and your 12 serving recipe! YUM!

I am starting the first "face to face" portion of classes for my teaching certification this weekend. Kind of nervous for that to begin, but also excited because the last class is October 27th! It will be over before I know it!

Well my husband is yelling at me about some laundry so I guess I better get to that... He is such a slave driver ;-)

How far along? 20 weeks-ish

Total weight gain: I’m going to skip this today... I have been avoiding the scale.

Maternity clothes? Not really just the slacks.

Stretch marks? Nope nada!

Sleep: Its a rollercoaster on this subject. Some nights are greater than others...

Best moment this week: Getting Texas Teachers paid for and the ball a rolling...!

Miss Anything? Shopping.... A lot.

Movement: Nope. Still waiting...

Food cravings: Still on the donuts and chocolate milk in the AM.

Anything making you queasy or sick: no... but I wanted a pancake so bad the other day and it just did not taste the same... Denny's you screwed something up in that pancake batter!

Labor Signs: Not for a long time I hope!

Symptoms: Pee-pot

Belly Button in or out? IN, but slowly but surely this little booger is trying to make its way out... I just won't have it!

Wedding rings on or off? On...

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happy happy! Don't get me wrong I have my cray cray moments!

Looking forward to: A paycheck from subbing, I AM BROKE!


Monday, September 3, 2012

A little bit of this, A little bit of that...

Yay for 3 day weekends! Glad I got to spend some extra time with Cody this weekend. We got to visit with our friends from out of town, get some sun, not to mention my mom got SOO much done for the nursery this weekend...

We (when I say we, I really just mean my mom) finished the curtains for the nursery, along with a crib sheet in the same fabric andddd a cover for the changing pad that is going on the dresser! It’s so cute and girly! My mother in law is doing the skirt and bumper for the crib; I absolutely cannot wait to see what it looks like all done and together! EEEK! I also can't wait to get the letter I am looking for to start her name on the nursery wall. I think we are pretty much set on her name at this point (at least her first name... middle is another story...). I'm thinking with all of this "I can't wait talk" i should probably really try to obtain some patience. Things are definitely coming along in the nursery (and her little closet). I think by the time this little girl gets here my mother will have to enroll in shoppers anonymous!
Speaking of addictions anonymous... I think I need to be on True Life I am a Caffeine Addict... I wish I were lying. I crave cokes, tea, and chocolate like it’s going out of style. I have always drank tea like a mad woman, but where did the chocolate and cokes all the time come from? So much for limiting my caffeine intake. Oh well if this is my biggest problem I think we are doing ok... here are some pictures updates on the nursery!

I absolutely love this pattern. We got the very last of it, so hopefully we will not need anymore!
Here is the finished product of the amazing curtains my lovely mom did!
Cute little changing pad cover that my mom made!
Finally the crib sheet that my mom also made! (Excited for the rest to come together!)
I finished putting all of the contact paper in her little dresser drawers (it is aqua in person, not boy blue)!
Our little cupcake's closet already filling with too many clothes (as her daddy says)! All girl's know you can never have enough clothes!
How far along? 19 weeks-ish

Total weight gain: oh lawd maybe 5? I haven't checked... I have eaten like a crazy person this weekend, so I know it's gone up! 

Maternity clothes? Well none of my slacks are fitting since they are high waisted... had to get some lower ones over the weekend... boo!

Stretch marks? Nope not yet, phew! Keep on chuggin that water!

Sleep: Sleep is getting much better... only getting up a couple times a night!

Best moment this week: Getting more girlie things in the nursery, it is coming a long!

Miss Anything? Right now... not much. I wish I didnt crave sweet stuff all the time though!

Movement: Nope. Still waiting...

Food cravings: Donuts and Chocolate milk in the AM.

Anything making you queasy or sick: the smell of dip is still making me nauseated... AHEM.

Labor Signs: Not for a long time I hope!

Symptoms: Just peeing nonstop.

Belly Button in or out? IN, but I swear it is trying to come out a bit!

Wedding rings on or off? On... a little tight in the AM!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happy happy! Don't get me wrong I have my cray cray moments!

Looking forward to: Getting her name on the wall and getting more wall art for nursery!