Monday, October 29, 2012

Holy Smokes!

It has been a good while since the last blog ::My Apologies:: … not really, I am not sorry, I have been busy! So some updates…

Have not heard back yet from my glucose test – I am thinking no news is good news, however, with the rate I eat cupcakes, cinnamon rolls, and donuts lately… it may just be overwhelmed with the sugar in my system and still processing my test. Haha. Whoops.

I had my first shower this last weekend. My mother in law and sister and law hosted and the theme was “Bun in the Oven”. It was a super cute shower, and I got lots of little girly things! It was so nice and decorated so cute. We had sliders, cinnamon rolls on a stick, cupcakes, and my MIL even figured out how to make my favorite raspberry tea that taste identical to Macaroni Grill's! Success!
Me and the cute oven!

Holley (MIL), Me, and Hayley (SIL)

Mimi (My Gma), Me, and Mom

I am slowly but surely getting Fin’s nursery in order, organized, and finished. I only have about 3 projects in the works right now… this is a small number for those who know how A.D.D I am, I have a million things going at one time. 3 seem small. I am sure tomorrow it will be 6.

I found some stockings today to match my peacock themed Christmas tree (another obsession). I got 3. One for Cody, Fin, and I… how weird is that? 3 Stockings! (Plus only $6 a piece!) Woot Woot!

I have not blogged about this but Cody got into a wreck recently… (2 weeks ago)… well they just decided today to total the damn thing. Only 12 more months and we would have had the car paid off. Go. Figure. I think it is a blessing in disguise … here’s to hoping. So now on the hunt for cars, Hal-a-freakin-lujah! I am thinking since the car was approaching 130k, this is better for us in the long run.

We also attended a costume party on Saturday. My options were limited, so I went with the “Pregnant Snooki” … I’d say for how little it cost me, it was one of my best costumes yet. Who knew so much work went into looking like Snooks though? It took me thirty minutes to get the orange bronzing powder off of my face and neck, and I am pretty positive I had an allergic reaction to the adhesive for the fake lashes.  My shower was the next day, and I am going to say my costume choice effected how cute I was at  said shower… my poor little face was swollen and raw. Haha. So not only is beauty pain, Ugly is too evidently! Oh Snooks! Cody’s costume was also pretty intense! He didn’t think anyone would get it, but it was a WINNER! And only cost me $ 1.50!
Cody looks like such a goon here! Hayley, Modern-day Baby, Cody, "God's gift to women" and Me, Snooks

Also I should let it be known to women thinking about getting pregnant… your boobs will grow. And by grow I mean, they get obscene. I know this may seem like common sense, but I was not expecting 3 cup sizes. We are talking OBSCENE. That is all. You’re welcome. (For any MTV Awkward watchers, I said that like Sadie!)

I think that’s all I got for now, I will update as soon as I get things in order around my house, finish my teaching certification, and over all get my life in check. I have been slacking lately. All the cupcakes have weighed me down! :: BUT THEY ARE SO DELICIOUS::

Over and Out!

How far along? 27 weeks-ish

Maternity clothes? I’d say its 50/50… this belly is getting outta control!

Stretch marks? Nope phew!!

Sleep: Nope. Between Cody’s “slumber noises” as I like to call them, and my dogs, shit is difficult. I say shit is difficult and not sleep, because the two are pretty equal in my book right now, shitty.

Best moment this week: Halloween costumes and shower!

Miss Anything? Fall beers!

Movement: Lots in the mornings and evenings! Sometimes she is really, really active. The other day she was hitting one of my dogs that had her head on my belly. She is not a nice baby.

Food cravings: Sweets, sweets, and more sweets. Pastries, donuts, ice cream, cakes, ::hell:: bags of icing… I like it all.  

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope nada!

Labor Signs: Not for a long time I hope! Lots of BH contractions lately about once or twice a day…

Symptoms: Peeing. Huge boobs.

Belly Button in or out? Today she is just awkward as usual. I should come up with a name for her.

Wedding rings on or off? On...

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happy!

Looking forward to: My next shower! However, I should let it be known, crowds and opening presents give me a little anxiety and I become Awkward Annie, so don’t hate!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sugar Sugar

Today I had a doctor's appointment. The appt was rather uneventful, but I did have my Glucose test!

The low down:
The "glucola" was not awesome but it was not "absolutely horrific" like I have been reading/hearing. I actually finished mine in 11 seconds which I was really proud of. I mean if there were a contest drinking glucola I think I could whip some ass. Now everyone else that I have spilled this information to today has not been impressed.... They must not realize how long I have been practicing chugging to prefect my drinking game... All those times I got "Iced" at the Grotto really paid off. But seriously. The Glucola is not bad at all.. I think Smirnoff Ice is actually ten times worse and I bet all of the women that whine about the test drink Smirnoff so I don't want to hear it anymore.
On another note, It seems Mal has made it safely to the ATL and is all settled in. Boo. Speaking of Boo, I am thinking of accosting my husband into taking me to Boo at the Zoo this weekend. I need to go. The animals are calling me. Plus I hear it's not very smart to go to haunted houses with child, so this could be an alternate choice. I really hate to be missing out on Halloween festivities such as Fright Fest at Six Flags!
This babe needs to get here so I can do things like
  • ride roller-coasters
  • stand on stools/furniture without family members freaking out
  • button my pants
  • Drink things with words like, Lite, Light, Moscato, and Woodchuck on the labels...
  • Wear white shirts... why you ask? because my big ass boobs and this belly literally run into everything and attract things like grease, spaghetti, and mustard
  • stay up past ten... and maybe make it through a whole night sleeping
  • snowboard

Now you may think I don't realize I will most likely not get to do 80% (that’s not a scientific calculation, just a random number that popped into my head) of these things after Fin gets here. But. I do know that, it's just easier to go on believing I will get to!

On another note, Holley (mother-in-law) and Hayley (seester-in-law) did some shopping in Abilene last week and Holley came back with this little gem...
Probably the cutest thing I have ever seen! Ruffles on the butt? I'm in love! If everything goes smoothly Hay will get to come home in a few weekends for the shower that Holley has been working on, that I am super excited about! =)

Finley also got some early presents from some friends...
Cody is obsessed with Under Armor so this little onesie from Beau and Rachel is prob his fav thing so far! Mal got this little Pea Coat that is so stinking cute I can’t stand it! Thank you guys!

How far along? 25 weeks-ish

Maternity clothes? Tops mostly... still wearing regular jeans... that are getting very difficult to button.
Stretch marks? Nope phew!!

Sleep: Nope.

Best moment this week: My mom finishing up the baby's cradle!

Miss Anything? Participating in Halloween festivities!

Movement: Lots in the mornings and evenings!

Food cravings: just sweets. I could eat a chocolate donut everyday if I knew I wouldnt gain 80 pounds! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope nada!

Labor Signs: Not for a long time I hope!

Symptoms: Peeing. Huge boobs.

Belly Button in or out? It's in when I lay down. It puckers out when I stand up. It's so fickle!

Wedding rings on or off? On...

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happy!

Looking forward to: Shower at the end of the month!
Here is an updated pic of belly progress... which also shows me wearing a white shirt, which also had grease right on my right boob. True. Story. Enjoy.
Let us part on a good note... a little dog shaming to make your day a little brighter!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Shopping, Best Friends, and Hoohas... you'll see..

It’s already Thursday? Holy smokes! This week has gone by incredibly fast; probably because I have been sleeping like I am in my first trimester again. So tired! For some NBR (non-baby related) news …Today Holley and I got lots of retail therapy in… well not really since we didn’t buy anything crazy but we had fun looking! We went to Homegoods, Sam’s, Trader Joe’s, Central Market, and Chipotle… I would like to call that a good day! At Sam’s I got some of those delicious fruit snacks, the Kelloggs brand… I have been looking for them everywhere (Including Sam’s) and finally found them at Sam’s today by chance. It was like the clouds separated and beamed down a little piece of heaven just for me. Thank you Jesus for these amazing fruit snacks!

Well I have some bittersweet news. More bitter for me, more sweet for her. My bestest is moving to Georgia for an amazing opportunity for herself. While I am selfishly sad, I know it will be a great experience for her, and I am so excited for her. I think I am most bummed that I will not get the experience of my best friend being at my shower and Finley’s delivery; however, we can now thank the technology of FaceTime to deplete some of that sadness! Finley will know her Aunty Mal one way or another! And hopefully she can visit soon after the baby arrives! (A Birthday present to me Mal??? Hint hint!)

So the last time I wrote I think I had just started feeling her roll around in there (there being in the belly)… I say roll because that’s the best I can describe it. She’s like a tiny steam roller… Well now she feels like an almost two pound whack-a-mole player. I think she enjoys kicking, hitting, head butting, and whatever the hell else it is she does in there to any of my organs, walls, or whatever. Today, she was really getting after it… and it was low. And by low I mean TMI low… I thought at one point a tiny baby hand or foot might come right out of my hoo-ha. (I just had to sit and think for about two long minutes what word I found most blog appropriate for hoo-ha… so if you don’t like hoo-ha… sorry bout it!)

Anyhow, I have 500 things to do and no energy or motivation for that matter to do it.

1.       I need to get Finley’s name up on her wall…

2.       I need to get supplies, start, and finish some wall art I have planned for some canvas’…

3.       I should probably check my registries to make sure I actually completed them.

4.       I have about 2 or 3 online courses on Texas Teachers Cert that need to be done…

5.       AND I need to refinish a cradle.

Lord have mercy… If there were just 2 or 3… or 10 more hours in a day that would be fantastic…
In the mean time… a little trip of pics from throwback till now of me and my PIC!

These were the only appropriate pictures I could find! =)

How far along? 23 weeks-ish

Total weight gain: Over ten pounds fa sho... =-/ 

Maternity clothes? Tops mostly... still wearing regular jeans

Stretch marks? Nope phew!!

Sleep: Not last night... nightmare city!

Best moment this week: Going grocery shopping finally haha!

Miss Anything? a flat tummy!

Movement: Lots this week. She might be a gymnast! 

Food cravings: Nothing exceptionally this week... maybe Mexican food still. And Sandwiches?

Anything making you queasy or sick: OMG Cody fried some chicken in the house the other day. I. Almost. Died!

Labor Signs: Not for a long time I hope!

Symptoms: Peeing. Huge boobs.

Belly Button in or out? It's in for the most part. It randomly decided to poke out. Mostly at night. Ew.

Wedding rings on or off? On...

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happy!

Looking forward to:  Shower at the end of the month!