Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hey Baby!

Aye ya ya....

Well if you did not get it from the title, Cody Dean and I are expecting a baybay! My first official doctor's appointment is the second of July (why so late?... Oh the joys of insurance).

Here is how we found out:

For some reason I just suspected something was up, I am not even sure I was late or anything. I just felt different. I have heard of women instantly knowing they were pregnant, this was not the case, I just felt "strange". Anyway, for some reason I felt that I did not need to tell Cody I was getting a test. I guess I thought it would say negative, just like a few times before. Secretly this time I prayed it would say pregnant (not sure why because I cried like a baby when it did!). Sigh: Oh the power of prayer.

Anyway I went into the bathroom doing my test business after work, and I locked the door. Which is clearly unheard of in our house because Cody kept insisting to know why the door was locked. I just said "I'm pooping!".... I am not real clear on why I lied about this. I guess because I am a tad bit of a hypochondriac and I did not want him making fun of me! Shortly after he interrogated me on why the door was locked he finally decided to go use the other restroom. Well I am pretty sure when he got about two steps away from the other restroom door, drawers off already I'm sure, the little "Pregnant" popped up on the test. I think I almost passed out... and I just started yelling "Cody, Cody..." in my most -"oh shit there's soemthing funky going on in here, I'm terrified" voice... he came in and said what is wrong with you? All I could do was hold up this stick I just peed on, and welled up with tears... (scared tears at the time, not happy)... I don't even think I could talk. He then proceeded to tell me this was something to be happy about, while he also said, "Are you sure? Have you ever had one say that before?"... Well... No Cody, I have never been pregnant that I can recall?

Of course I could not keep my mouth shut. We immediately called our parents, and the rest is history.

At this point I think I am about 8 weeks along, which would put the due date in Mid January.

How far along? 8 weeks-ish

Total weight gain: None at this point. I have actually lost weight from where I am normally at.

Maternity clothes? Nope. Hopefully not for a good while. If ever.

Stretch marks? Nope not yet, about to start a lotion regimine very soon.

Sleep: Not very much. I wake up about 4 times a night right now to go to the bathroom. Plus weird dreams.

Best moment this week: In general just getting some extra rest in this weekend.

Miss Anything? Oh yes. I have not quite adjusted to the pregnant lifestyle yet. Getting there. Slowly but surely.

Movement: Nope.

Food cravings: I feel like I did not crave cokes near as much before as I do now. I jsut want them constantly.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Brushing my teeth nearly gets me every time. But it always has.

Labor Signs: Not for a long time I hope!

Symptoms: I feel like my chest has been beaten to a pulp. SO SORE.

Belly Button in or out?  IN!

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: It's a rollercoaster. Mostly happy last week. This week is waterworks. Ready for these hormones to level out.

Looking forward to: Seeing/hearing the baby for the first time!

1 comment:

  1. I've been wanting to stop by & read your blog for a while! Starting back at the beginning so I can catch up! Love this story of how you found out! I can just imagine it all! Too funny!
