Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Baby D is a G!

Well clearly its been a couple months so time to update...

My Mom, Dad, and wonderful husband Cody Dean started and finished our nursery in record timing. It took a whole 48 hours to rip up carpet, remove trim, paint the entire room, lay down new flooring, replace old trim, put together the crib, and move the furniture into the room. They did an amazing job. Proof is in the pudding:

This is BEFORE

And the Lovely After...

Now I get to add pink in the mix. So excited!

Monday we found out the sex of Baby D... GIRL. I thought Cody Dean was going to throw up when the sonographer said Girl. He may still be in shock actually. That's what he gets for saying "He only makes boys".. guess not buddy!

Of course since we found out it was a little girl, my mother has gone ape shit. We found out Monday. It is now Wednesday and baby D has 3 new outfits already. She is going to be so spoiled.

I have debated on whether posting a bump pic... I am not a fan of them really.. but low and behold here she blows...

Our little 6 oz. G is in there just a kicking and a squirming away...

That is really all I can think of for now...

How far along? 18 weeks-ish

Total weight gain: 4 pounds... 4 awful pounds.

Maternity clothes? Nope. Not yet... things are getting a bit tight!

Stretch marks? Nope not yet, phew! Keep on chuggin that water!

Sleep: Sleep is getting much better... only getting up a couple times a night!  

Best moment this week: Finding out about our sweet baby girl Monday morning, and that every little part of her was perfectly healthy.

Miss Anything? Right now... not much. I miss making money! Haha

Movement: Nope. And I have an anterior placenta apparently so it still might be a while. =( 

Food cravings: Mustard. Chocolate Milk. Sweets (which im not even a sweets person). McDonalds sausage biscuits. Thats about it as far as cravings. Oh and still craving the cokes.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Raw chicken.  

Labor Signs: Not for a long time I hope!

Symptoms: Just peeing nonstop.

Belly Button in or out? IN!

Wedding rings on or off? On... a little tight in the AM!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy as a clam. I do snap occasionally 

Looking forward to: Making the nursery more feminine!

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