Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Playing Catch Up

Prepare your little computer eyes! This is a long one!

The last two weeks have been a blur. So many things going on… Let me start with my last baby shower. It was hosted by my lovely Aunts, Cousins, and Grandmother on my daddy’s side. They did a “Cute as a Button” theme, and let me tell you, it was exactly that! We got so many things that we needed and things I thought I would never need, but now think we couldn’t live without!

::Let me just take a little moment to Thank everyone that has hosted, been a guest at, or had anything to do with one of my showers, or Cody’s diaper party, etc. We have been beyond blessed with great family and friends, and I cannot thank each and every one of you enough! So thank you!::

Here are a few pics from the shower…
 Cake thanks to mom!
 Some of my favorite ladies in the whole world.
 From Sherri and Jacee... such froo froo from the least froo froo gals I know! Love them!
 Cutest sock presentation EVER! Thanks Court!
Some sweet girls that attended my shower!

Updated Nursery Pics…
 This "F" has since been updated!
 No Nursery is complete without the inclusion of some "dachshund".

Now we also recently celebrated my brother’s 30th bday! My sister-in-law Melissa hosted a surprise party for him at Dublin Square that turned out really well! Cody and I got him a 6 pack of Breckenridge Vanilla Porter (Yum, one of the many fall/winter brews that I am missing terribly!) and some of his own “brewmaster” mugs for his casa, and some candy. He seemed happy. We also celebrated his actual birthday night at my Mimis for a chicken fried steak dinner. Dinner would not be complete without a political battle at the dinner table, super fun!

I am so glad Election Day is over. I have literally not felt as much anxiety this pregnancy as I did following the Election on Nov. 6. I guess I am just glad it’s over. It may not have ended the way our household would have wished, but we will get through the next four years, if anything else together. I told Cody if I ended up on the streets I wouldn’t want it to be with anyone else, haha. Hold your comments; this is my blog, so therefore, my beliefs and opinions. Put that in your juice box and suck it.

The latest event going on in my life is trying to get over an ear/sinus infection. I have literally been down a week with this thing. The only thing I can really take is antibiotics for the infection and Tylenol for the pain. Tylenol blows for anyone that wants to know. I would say it is as useful as a glass hammer.  I literally feel so sad for babies with ear infections. It hurts just as bad when I broke my damn elbow. Luckily the throbbing has subsided but the feeling of “being underwater” has ceased to disappear. If I were not pregnant I would drown myself in any type of alcohol. I think it would help, hell, at least then there would be a reason for feeling “underwater”.

In other news, we got Cody a new car. Turns out we are in a better boat because of his accident. We have a brand new car (A diesel VW Jetta), a lower interest rate, a lower monthly paper, and even better gas mileage, which was hard to beat in the Altima. I think he is a happy camper, even though he can’t stand driving a car. Speaking of cars, we got enough back from the Altima for a hefty down payment, and we get to fix the tailgate dings on the Acadia from my little fender bender back in July. Clearly the Dean Household is very accident prone. Finley doesn’t stand a chance! She will probably be a hot mess like her momma!

My daddy always hated it when I would get scrapes and bruises when I was little because he said it was ruining my “model legs”. I don’t know where my daddy thought someone with my 5’3 stature, and short legs would be modeling, but he always did make me feel like the prettiest girl in the world. I bet Cody will make Finley feel the same way.


How far along? 29 weeks-ish

Maternity clothes? Yes here and there! Mostly here and mostly there.

Stretch marks? Nope phew!! Not counting the teeny tiny one I found under one of my 5 pound boobs. Gag.

Sleep: actually even with my ear situation, I have been sleeping better.  

Best moment this week: Sinus rinses. Yes. This is my favorite moments this week. Sad. Really, Really, Sad.  

Miss Anything? Hearing from my left ear!

Movement: Lots in the mornings and evenings! At my last OB appt she kept hiding from the Doppler (when they were trying to record her heart rate) they finally got her pinned down, and she hit the Doppler. I see more of my personality coming from that belly every day… poor Cody Dean.

Food cravings: The sweet infatuation may be coming to an end ladies and gentlemen. Lately other things have been on my mind like chicken and mashed potatoes. My appetite in general has faded this last week with the sinus issues, but it’s not sweets 24/7 like usual.

Anything making you queasy or sick: It makes me so sick to see animals that are sad. I am so serious!

Labor Signs: Not for a long time I hope! Lots of BH contractions lately about once or twice a day…

Symptoms: Peeing. Obscene tatas.

Belly Button in or out? I’ve come to terms with my bellybuttons and I’s new relationship. Hopefully she decides to stop being so stupid and go back to normal after the baby comes.

Wedding rings on or off? On...

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happy, Ive had a few episodes over the sickness, and just being moody this last week though.

Looking forward to: 3D/4D sonogram this Friday. I literally just made this appt on a whim this week, since it’s the last week for “Optimal viewing”. I figure it’s my first baby, I should just do it. Maternity pics in December... (a sort of looking forward to)...



  1. "put that in your juice box and suck it" ...using it.

  2. Lol you like that? I thought it was more appropriate than "put that in your pipe and smoke it"... Plus I like to say suck it sometimes no matter how unladylike like it may be... It makes me feel like a BA!
