Thursday, December 13, 2012

47 Days Left!

Let me preface this blog with a small disclaimer. I (this is just my opinion, and does not reflect that of others) do not really think pregnancy has affected me hugely in the mood swing area, but within a few context.

A. If I am hungry, watch out.
B. The mere thought of someone being cruel to an animal, sad animal commercials, and anything where an animal suffers in anyway, instant waterworks.
C. Currently I can't handle birth/baby/Giuliana and Bill shows without tearing up
D. And lastly, I have Road Rage like a Motha....

I think I need to clarify a few things for my fellow road companions ((aka other dimwit drivers)).

First off, let's learn the difference between a yield sign and a stop sign. Yes I am talking to you Granny Gertrude. At a yield sign, you don't actually have to come to a complete stop, or even pretend you are going to! You can really do just as the sign says and YIELD to traffic. Furthermore, I don't give a shit if you fully stop at a stop sign ((unless you are going to hit me?)), I just want you to utilize the yield sign correctly. This mostly urks me at the corner of Azle Ave. while entering 199 (you have your own lane to merge into for goodness' sake)... and yielding from the service road onto Azle Ave. Learn the rules of the road before you drive.

Next. Mr. Redneck Roy, yes, you with your jacked up Ford Excursion. If you try to get over on me one more time with your lift kit and factory wheels (which looks ridiculous by the way), I will go all Elin on your Tiger Wood's ass.

I have always had road rage but I think that the hormones of pregnancy have made my vocabulary exceptionally colorful and creative. I say things that I never even knew my brain had the capacity of thinking of. I can only hope that Finley does not catch on to the plethora of obscene words/gestures that come out of my mouth/body while behind the wheel. I bet Cody finds me so attractive. I need to start curbing this ASAP.

What's new on the baby front?

Well they are still using January 29 as my due date. I am thinking it will be earlier, because according to my calculations, it should be. We shall find out soon enough. I can't believe in a little over 6 weeks my due date will be here. In the last few days it has really hit me that a baby will be entering our life soon. So crazy. I really hope my maternal instincts kick in like everyone says because right now I am FREAKING out a little A LOT!

In other news... I have my certification tests coming up in January. One on the 3-5 and one on 23-26... I am hoping I will make it to the 2nd one, because I really do not want to have to wait until April 4th, for the next English one to begin. I am slightly nervous about the tests, more so the ELA than the English. Hopefully I pass both on the first try since they are both over $100 a piece... boo. If anyone knows of any Junior High/High School's hiring for the 13-14 school year, holla at yo girl!

I think that is about all for now... Here is a 33 week baby bump pic. I was showcasing my long locks! Don't hate!

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