Monday, September 3, 2012

A little bit of this, A little bit of that...

Yay for 3 day weekends! Glad I got to spend some extra time with Cody this weekend. We got to visit with our friends from out of town, get some sun, not to mention my mom got SOO much done for the nursery this weekend...

We (when I say we, I really just mean my mom) finished the curtains for the nursery, along with a crib sheet in the same fabric andddd a cover for the changing pad that is going on the dresser! It’s so cute and girly! My mother in law is doing the skirt and bumper for the crib; I absolutely cannot wait to see what it looks like all done and together! EEEK! I also can't wait to get the letter I am looking for to start her name on the nursery wall. I think we are pretty much set on her name at this point (at least her first name... middle is another story...). I'm thinking with all of this "I can't wait talk" i should probably really try to obtain some patience. Things are definitely coming along in the nursery (and her little closet). I think by the time this little girl gets here my mother will have to enroll in shoppers anonymous!
Speaking of addictions anonymous... I think I need to be on True Life I am a Caffeine Addict... I wish I were lying. I crave cokes, tea, and chocolate like it’s going out of style. I have always drank tea like a mad woman, but where did the chocolate and cokes all the time come from? So much for limiting my caffeine intake. Oh well if this is my biggest problem I think we are doing ok... here are some pictures updates on the nursery!

I absolutely love this pattern. We got the very last of it, so hopefully we will not need anymore!
Here is the finished product of the amazing curtains my lovely mom did!
Cute little changing pad cover that my mom made!
Finally the crib sheet that my mom also made! (Excited for the rest to come together!)
I finished putting all of the contact paper in her little dresser drawers (it is aqua in person, not boy blue)!
Our little cupcake's closet already filling with too many clothes (as her daddy says)! All girl's know you can never have enough clothes!
How far along? 19 weeks-ish

Total weight gain: oh lawd maybe 5? I haven't checked... I have eaten like a crazy person this weekend, so I know it's gone up! 

Maternity clothes? Well none of my slacks are fitting since they are high waisted... had to get some lower ones over the weekend... boo!

Stretch marks? Nope not yet, phew! Keep on chuggin that water!

Sleep: Sleep is getting much better... only getting up a couple times a night!

Best moment this week: Getting more girlie things in the nursery, it is coming a long!

Miss Anything? Right now... not much. I wish I didnt crave sweet stuff all the time though!

Movement: Nope. Still waiting...

Food cravings: Donuts and Chocolate milk in the AM.

Anything making you queasy or sick: the smell of dip is still making me nauseated... AHEM.

Labor Signs: Not for a long time I hope!

Symptoms: Just peeing nonstop.

Belly Button in or out? IN, but I swear it is trying to come out a bit!

Wedding rings on or off? On... a little tight in the AM!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happy happy! Don't get me wrong I have my cray cray moments!

Looking forward to: Getting her name on the wall and getting more wall art for nursery!

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