Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dear 15 Year-old Self...

Remember when you thought it would be a great idea to get your belly button pierced... well just so you know it's ten years later and that hole has still not grown in like you assured your mom it would... That hole really adds an extra something to that belly-button that’s trying to pop out (really? already?... only me).

But I am not nearly as mad at you as I am your 18 year-old self... A tramp stamp? ... Really? Who knew that back tats wouldn't be cool in 2012... Oh yea... YOUR MOM DID! (I know, I know, you told me so Mom)! Who knew that when you met your future husband he would make fun of it all the time, and you would be slightly ashamed at the thought of telling your baby girl on the way about it. By the way 15-18 year old-self you should have definitely paid more attention to high school math. This teaching certification test has got me a little worried about the math portion... would it have killed you to listen to Mrs. Cotton & Mr. Roberts just a little bit more?

At least you learned some valuable lessons along that time frame. I would say namely, the fact that your parents would be right about most things. I just know I am about to get pay back ten-fold.


Back to more important things, so nothing exciting happening in the land of baby recently. It’s that half way mark and I hear things seem to go super slow for the next few weeks... (Hooray?) My mother in law cooked some chicken spaghetti today and had lots of left overs, so that’s one thing I am grateful for today: Not cooking dinner! =) Thanks Holley and your 12 serving recipe! YUM!

I am starting the first "face to face" portion of classes for my teaching certification this weekend. Kind of nervous for that to begin, but also excited because the last class is October 27th! It will be over before I know it!

Well my husband is yelling at me about some laundry so I guess I better get to that... He is such a slave driver ;-)

How far along? 20 weeks-ish

Total weight gain: I’m going to skip this today... I have been avoiding the scale.

Maternity clothes? Not really just the slacks.

Stretch marks? Nope nada!

Sleep: Its a rollercoaster on this subject. Some nights are greater than others...

Best moment this week: Getting Texas Teachers paid for and the ball a rolling...!

Miss Anything? Shopping.... A lot.

Movement: Nope. Still waiting...

Food cravings: Still on the donuts and chocolate milk in the AM.

Anything making you queasy or sick: no... but I wanted a pancake so bad the other day and it just did not taste the same... Denny's you screwed something up in that pancake batter!

Labor Signs: Not for a long time I hope!

Symptoms: Pee-pot

Belly Button in or out? IN, but slowly but surely this little booger is trying to make its way out... I just won't have it!

Wedding rings on or off? On...

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happy happy! Don't get me wrong I have my cray cray moments!

Looking forward to: A paycheck from subbing, I AM BROKE!



  1. Oh my gosh! I craved powdered donuts and white milk with both of mine!!

  2. This is too sweet! Iove hearing about your pregnancy progress!!! Not helping the baby fever I have!

  3. Aw thanks ladies... I am going to update soon I swear!
