Monday, September 24, 2012

Houston we have a name...

So... Today I had to make a special trip to a friend’s mom's office to put to rest my paranoia that baby D was a boy... yes I have been having crazy pregnancy dreams that baby G was in fact a baby B for two weeks now. I didn't tell Mr. Dean until after I went so he wouldn't further make fun of my hypochondriac antics... The ultrasound tech confirmed that Baby D had no boy parts! Wahoo... So I think now I (We) can reveal her name to the world... ::Drum Roll Please::

Cody and I have 99.9% positively decided on Finley Grace! Grace is Mark's (Cody's dad) mother's name (he is really excited we are using her name!). Finley is just a name I saw a while back that I fell in love with, and the first girl name that Cody liked. I needed confirmation that she was a girl to introduce her name! Thank God she is because her little nursery is becoming more and more full of little girl things!

The last two days I have been able to feel her move around so that is crazy/cool. I thought it was going to be a couple more weeks so I was pleasantly surprised. I think Cody may have been able to feel her the morning I first felt her, but he said it felt like a heartbeat so it may have just been my pulse... but he will eventually! I have heard everyone describe the feeling as butterflies... homegirl in the belly don't play that game... she feels like popcorn in the morning *just a few pops though! She might be a little feisty! Today she had her little hands over her eyes, and the ultrasound tech pointed out where here head was in my belly so I believe the little popcorn moves are punches rather than kicks!

This am I went for one of my frequent donut runs... I haven't had one for like a week, so we are doing well there. When I got there the little Asian woman said "Oh so sorry honey, this all I have left today"... It's sad she knows I get a chocolate twist every time, and knew when I came through the door that she was out! It’s ok I just had regular old chocolate donut! It was PHENOMENAL! The first week when I was getting these twists regularly about the third day she asked if I was pregnant, and I told her no I was just getting fat on her donuts, and then told her I was kidding. She laughed her hysterical Asian laugh and asks me about the baby every time she sees me now! "Oh honey you look so small, how baby, I give you extra donut today!" (Every time!)

Today I finished Miss Finley's bow holder. Thank you pinterest... it’s pretty cute if I do say so myself!
That's about all I have for today...
How far along? 22 weeks-ish

Total weight gain: Ask me next week... ahhhh.

Maternity clothes? um still wearing my Buffalo David Bitton jeans so were doing ok....

Stretch marks? Nope phew!!

Sleep: The sleep is getting better and better... especially when my sickly husband takes NyQuill and sleeps through the night without coughing ;-).

Best moment this week: Finally feeling her moving around in there!

Miss Anything? a flat tummy!

Movement: ^^

Food cravings: The donuts are still there... also Mexican food, but I feel like this has always been a craving of mine. Who doesn't love Mexican food? 

Anything making you queasy or sick: the freaking Wendy's jr cheeseburger that Cody insist we have for dinner last night. Last time. The. Last. Time.

Labor Signs: Not for a long time I hope!

Symptoms: Still peeing like a freaking race horse. Also if you do not visit this awesome site very often I suggest you do (It's hysterical). Then you will know what FLBP is and realize that I am experiencing this problem as we speak! (Boobie talk, don't get offended y'all!)

Belly Button in or out? It's in for the most part. I hate this belly button drama I have been having lately. It grosses me out.

Wedding rings on or off? On...

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happy! When I get tired tho, the grumpiness emerges for sure!

Looking forward to: A paycheck from subbing, I AM BROKE!


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